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Illegitimate your laws are too me, as you all disregard ours in this country. for you knew when you came here you would have to follow the laws of these lands and not try to force your laws and believes onto the people as you cry about our holidays to be removed because you're offended! and more outrageous some in this country accommodated your wishes so you wouldn't be offended,which also brings me to some of the people in our country, when did we all become politically incorrect ? we lost are way on what really dose matter and what we should be actually offended about, be offended by: like greed,corruption,abuse,rape,sex offenders,war,media

poverty,racism,pollution,treatment of our veterans,

killing of our wildlife and forests,animal cruelty,taxes, chemicals in our water and oceans,no cure cancer yet,

bullying and on this parents should teach their kids

to stand up for themselves and not become a victim of bullying,

our children getting shot down,police brutality,drunk drivers, segregating our people due to race since we're all human

and bleed the same,protestors that use an incident to loot and destroy

instead of the cause,ISIS and their followers as well radicals as well terrorism, I could keep going but these are just a few out of hundreds. Not be offended by: So to be offended by something somebody said is crazy

and you should get over it,someone sexually and same sex marriages

not your business,symbols of religion,a parent disciplining their child

as long as it's not abuse,giving a woman a compliment as long

as its not sexually harrasment and no one should be offended when people say all life matters because one group isn't more important than another

for all life is important,people shouldn't be offended by the american flag

or rebel flag,Christmas,Easter,and any other Holiday,music,art,nude, I could keep going on what people shouldn't be offended about but people will still do what they want

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